Heidelberg Customised Photography|Maree Jaeger Photography


I believe in giving back to the community where I can and I extend this to my photography! I am happy to donate photography and my time to community organisations as prizes or for raffles and so on. While I am unable to accommodate all requests, if your community/charitable organisation has a photographic need, please contact me.

I am currently taking part in Project Recapture in support of the bushfire survivors.

I am also a proud sponsor of :

Greenhills Playgroup.

Lil Aussie Prems.

Connect2mums- Peek A Book Group.

Some organisations I have supported are:

Australian Action on Pre Eclampsia

ABAacus Learning Centre

Downs Syndrome Victoria


Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea (Cancer Council)

Royal Childrens Hospital

The Starlight Children’s Foundation Australia

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